For those wishing to contribute: During the construction of NM, a number of investigators have expressed a desire to contribute to future versions of this program. For those who wish to contribute, the easiest method is probably to either send straight text file and/or graphics files (any IBM format); or to add the information on the appropriate "user notes" page of NM and send to us a copy of the files which you wish to contribute (along with the appropriate citation). The user notes files have the general file name "U_*.*".Contributions will be cited within the body of future NeuroMouse versionsat the appropriate page. For those sending information via E-mail, one should indicate in the "body of message" where associated text and graphics should be placed. In addition, please clearly denote who prepared the data sent, as well as all associated references. In this way we can properly recognize those who send material (for graphics, I recommend placing the person's initials on the lower right corner of the figure). Any figures within NM which do not have a initials on them are from Dr. Henderson's personal collection. Sending these materials to a central authoring site gives us the opportunity to be as even-handed a possible regarding the representation of various issues. Some limitations do apply on what is acceptable fordistribution within NeuroMouse. First, only materials which have been publishedwill be considered for inclusion. An exception to this is are fast-breakingareas in which there is wide consensus by several independent laboratoriesprior to actual publication (one can imagine how rare this is !). Second,although there are many more exciting and interesting fields than are representedin NM, not all of these are suitable, given the current focus of the program.An example of this are many developmental issues which, while criticallyimportant (and in some cases touched upon in the current atlas), representsuch a large area of information that I consider it best handled as a separateproject. The same is true of many cognitive and electro-physiologic issues.However, I do welcome comments regarding the inclusion of specific topicswhich could reasonable be discussed within the confines of the currentatlas (between experiments !). Adding data to your personalversion of NeuroMouse: To add data to you own personal version of NeuroMouse, simply click on the "notes" button on a given page. By doingso, users can add their own information to virtually any page of the database.Note that this information is secure form the main NeuroMouse database(unless specifically sent by the user). |