NeuroMouse Demo: To obtain a copy of the NeuroMouse demo, simply download the following Zip format file (Vertisoft version 3). Once downloaded, simply unzip the file and run the "setup" program. The complete, operational Demo occupies about 8.0 MB. Version 4.0 demo avaiable. NeuroMouse Demo version 1.0 (4.7 MB)
Registered versions of NeuroMouse version 5.0E will be available beginning 11/1/99.Cost varies depending upon academic or industrial use as indicated below: Single user- Academic ($ 195.00) Registered users will be advised of future updates as they become available (current cost is approximately $50 per update). When applying for an update, users should cite their registration number which is present on both the disk packaging and within their personal copy of NM (which can be observed by clicking the "reference info" button and looking for the RN # xxxx at the upper right hand corner of the text field.) Users can purchase the current copy of NM or reserve advanced copies by sending check or money order in U.S. dollars to: Interactive Neural Systems Technical and Legal issues: Note that the fee paid by users covers a license for use of the program (not the text synopsis described within - which are free). Registered users may copy NM onto their personal home and lab computers. In addition, are welcome to all freeand reasonable use of the photographic materials therein, provided that the NeuroMouse program is recognized and cited when used.