What is NeuroMouse ?

NeuroMouse is a Toolbooktm based, interactive graphical database which provides structural, molecular, and genetic information on the adult murine nervous system; and its relevance to human neurobiology. This hypertext atlas presently comprises more than 1000 pages and is designed to provide a flexible integrated resource for the description and discussion of all forms mammalian neurologic data. For each subject, the user provided with a personal notes page, to which they can add personal information (user information is secure from the NeuroMouse database). Version 4.0 of the NeuroMouse program extends the program's basic framework to include a number of areas in modern molecular neurobiology; as described below. This resource is primarily designed as a platform for users to interact, each sharing knowledge on their own area of expertise, which is compiled to a master database (for new users wishing contributing please see "For those wishing to contribute").

Database contents:

Neural Atlas:

  • Rotational representation of the murine brain.
  • Neural structures: visual and alphabetic point and click index of neural structures, pathways and systems.
  • Brain atlas:photographic serial sections in the coronal, sagittal, and horizontal planes (average plate distance - 300 um). Physical brain distances are also provided as are meta-index grids to allow rapid movement between different planes and regions.
  • Catalog of primary and immortalized neural cells indexed to relevant neural structures.
  • Molecular Atlas:

  • Index of neurotransmitters: Acetylcholine, GABA, Glutamate, Aspartate, Glycine, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Serotonin (synthesis, distribution, degradation, molecular modules, receptors, subunits, agonists, antagonists, gene structure, localization, physical properties and transgenics are indicated for each item).
  • Index of neurotrophins / neurokines: NGF, BDNF, NT-3, NT-4/5, CNTF, LIF, Onostain M, IL-6, GDNF, FGF's, S100b (ligand, receptors, expression pattern, physical properties, homologous factors, transgenics/knockouts, chromosomal location, effects of agent, and effects of factors on agent are indicated for each item).
  • Index of "additional" neural agents: Bcl-2, TNF/Fas, TGF-beta, P53/Rb, PDGF, EGF family (ligand, receptor, expression patterns, physical properties, homologous factors, transgenics/ knockouts, chromosomal location, effects of agent, effects of factors on agent are indicated for each item).
  • Molecular biology: Molecular biology of important neural genes with integrated l links, plus selected neural topics (ex. programmed cell death, inducible gene systems, protein motifs, neural gene elements, and selected signal transduction pathways).
  • Genetics Atlas:

  • Lesion paradigms: Index of common neuronal structural and chemical lesion paradigms.
  • Selected procedures: description of common neurosurgical, cell tracing, culturing and laboratory procedures.
  • Neurologic syndromes: Index of important human neurologic syndromes and appropriate animals models.
  • Neural mutant database: Index and description of naturally occurring and genetically modified murine neurologic mutations; including pages on double "knockout" animals. Interactive maps of each murine chromosome and human syntenic maps.

  • Transgenic database: Index and description of important neurologic transgenic mice including neural promoters / LacZ lines.

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